Archive for June, 2010

DeskSpace 1.5.8 Beta R2 Available

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

The second DeskSpace 1.5.8 beta is now available to all registered users. Click here to download it from the beta download page.

DeskSpace 1.5.8 will be a free upgrade to the current version, DeskSpace

Standard Disclaimer: This is a beta version of DeskSpace, and it may contain numerous major and minor bugs. We don’t recommend it for every day use.

This version includes more verbose error checking at application startup, a smarter Troubleshooting dialog, a Quick Help dialog, and numerous minor bug fixes, UI tweaks, and performance improvements: application startup is now much much faster (around 500-1000% depending on how many monitors you have), as is the Manage Desktop Backgrounds dialog.

If you have any feedback about the beta, please either post a comment on this blog or the forums, or contact Support. We’re especially interested in hearing about usuability: whether the DeskSpace default settings make sense, whether it’s obvious how to activate and control DeskSpace, and what we can do to make it easier to use out of the box.