Enchancing TopDesk with StrokeIt

A great utility that to use with TopDesk is StrokeIt, an application that adds mouse gesture support to Windows.

You can set up StrokeIt to work with TopDesk using the StrokeIt Command Editor screen. For example, to bind the TopDesk Tile All Windows action to a mouse gesture, go to the StrokeIt Command Editor screen, add a global action called TopDesk Tile All Windows, then add a mouse gesture for this global action (I picked Mouse Right). After doing this, you should have a screen that looks like this:

Configure StrokeIt Action

Next, add in a new command for the action called Tile All Windows Hot Key. Configure this command as a Keys – Hotkey command, disable TopDesk by Left-Clicking on its system tray icon, and then type the TopDesk Tile All Windows hot key in the Hotkey text box (ALT-TAB in this case). Your screen should look like this:

Configure StrokeIt Command

Close the Command Editor screen, re-enable TopDesk, and you’re good to go. You can do then same thing for the TopDesk Tile Application Windows and Hide Visible Windows actions. After a bit of experimentation, I found that this configuration works very nicely:

  • Tile All WindowsMouse Right
  • Tile Application WindowsMouse Left
  • Hide Visible WindowsMouse Down and Mouse Up

The last binding in that list is very cool: you can do a Mouse Down to hide all windows, then a Mouse Up to get them back.

4 Responses to “Enchancing TopDesk with StrokeIt”

  1. James, will this work with a pen movement on a Tablet?

  2. Cameron,

    I haven’t tried StrokeIt on a TabletPC (and don’t have one readily available), but from what I’ve read in the StrokeIt forums, it should work. If you have time to try out StrokeIt on a TabletPC, could you post back here as to whether it works?

  3. Touseef says:

    I need strokeit thouse work out on Browzer and Full virsion
    not trial visiton . send me web site for it . bye

  4. Touseef,

    You can download StrokeIt from http://www.tcbmi.com/strokeit.